Monday, January 11, 2010

Alokasi Sumber Daya

Sumber Daya Alam

  • Pertanian/perkebunan

  • Peternakan/perikanan

Sumber Daya Manusia

  • Kualitas

  • Kuantitas

Sumber Daya Mineral

  • Renew able (diperbaharui)

  • Un Renewable (tidak dapat diperbaharui)

Cara mengalokasikan Sumber Daya adalah dengan cara Mapping (Pemetaan)

Sebab kepemilikan sumber daya :

  • Warisan

  • Usaha kerja, terhindar dari maghrib

  • Pemberian negara

  • Barang Temuan

  • Hibah/hadiah/shadaqah

Etika, harus terhindar dari :

  • Gharar

  • Korupsi

  • Spekulasi

Write comments
  1. haduhhh kuraannng lengkappp !
    guehh lgee gakk nyriii inii ...

  2. The next type of juicer is called a masticating juicer because it extracts juice using a
    repetitive pressing movements. All of the parts are easily removed and are made of an easy-to-clean material.
    We found this space age juicer could swallow whole fruit
    or vegetables in an instant and produce great tasting juice for the family to enjoy every time we tried it.


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